North Nassau Acupuncture LLC
Acupuncture For Pain
Relieve Pain with Expert Acupuncture in Great Neck, NY
Relief From Ongoing Pain
If you’re struggling with ongoing pain, our team wants to help. At North Nassau Acupuncture LLC, we treat a wide range of conditions using the traditional practice of acupuncture.
Acupuncture works by using tiny needles to access and manipulate the body’s vital energy at specific points. Clinical studies show that acupuncture can be an effective treatment for a number of pain conditions, including headaches, severe menstrual pain, fibromyalgia, neck and back pain, and facial pain. At North Nassau Acupuncture LLC, we’re committed to helping our clients improve their health and their lives. We provide a calm, welcoming environment in which to receive your treatment; and we pledge to take the time to patiently answer your questions and address any concerns you may have about your treatment plan or acupuncture in general.
If pain is an ongoing issue for you, don’t hesitate to seek help. Call North Nassau Acupuncture LLC in Great Neck, NY to schedule your appointment.